We make super soft, super fun, superb quality clothing for kids and young grown-ups.

Here at Ninunapz, kids and adults are free to explore creativity, act seriously funny, and be weird together. As the spirit of our brand, we promise to deliver only products that speak truth to our values. We will invent, experiment, take risks, set our own rules, and, most importantly, have A LOT of fun while ensuring our products live up to your expectations.

But we won’t stop there. Creativity and consciousness must go hand in hand. That's why we take pride in producing all our clothing in-house, supporting local craftsmanship, and striving for a better impact on the environment. 

To learn more about how we achieve this, read more here.


The path of creating Ninunapz feels like destiny unfolding for Cecilia Tran. 

Growing up in a family deeply rooted in the tradition of manufacturing clothing for top global brands, Cecilia gained invaluable insights into production standards and witnessed the industry's highs and lows. It was only when she relocated to Canada and began working for a children's fashion company that the "aha" moment struck. The excitement of crafting artwork through the perspective of children, and watching these vibrant prints come to life, resonated profoundly with her instincts. The question wasn't about how to start Ninunapz, but rather when it would be possible.

Back in Vietnam, Cecilia swiftly gathered a team of like-minded individuals, marking the birth of Ninunapz. Built on the foundation of fostering family connections, the brand thrives with the infusion of imaginative ideas from Cecilia's supportive siblings. In every stitch and print, Ninunapz becomes not just a business venture but a testament to the power of familial bonds and creative collaboration.
